Some Tips For Building A Child’s Self Esteem
Parents are very powerful figures in the life of any child. First of all, they are responsible for
conceiving the child and for bringing that child into this world so everything that comes after
there will still be held somewhat responsible. The mother best of all has a special emotional
connection with her children while fathers are mostly the ones who deal with practical things in
raising children.
A perfect relationship between parents and children will be when the parents are role models of
providing love and support within the family while the children are obedient but to a certain
degree also independent in living their lives. In this world however there is no such thing as
perfect but this should not stop us from trying to build an ideal relationship.
Child’s Self Esteem  

Some Tips For Building A Child’s Self Esteem (You have to read great article)


How to Build Self Confidence in Seventh Grade

Seventh grade is a stressful time in your life. Lots of kids out there are worried about their crush, personality, friends, grade, and the most popular of all; their looks. These steps can help you little or lots. It depends how willing you are to be more confident. Remember that this isn't JUST for seventh graders, it's perfect for anyone who's in middle school. ...Read more
Seventh grade is a stressful time in your life. Lots of kids out there are worried about their crush, personality, friends, grade, and the most popular of all; their looks. These steps can help you little or lots. It depends how willing you are to be more confident. Remember that this isn't JUST for seventh graders, it's perfect for anyone who's in middle school.


  1. You need to focus on the good things about your self. ex: I'm funny! or I have great skin! or I have beautiful eyes! etc. The best ways to do this is make a list! You can also think to yourself about it. Whether you're just about to go to sleep, or out on a walk.
  2. You need to go out and have fun! Hangout with some friends, a boyfriend/girlfriend, even hanging out with your family can help! Whoever, wherever, go out and have a great time. I prefer doing something crazy that you can look back on and laugh about it. (not too crazy) for ex: jumping into the lake at night, walking around Walmart with a bra on over your real clothes.
  3. Take care of you. For once, look in the mirror and care for yourself. Do extra things that'll make you feel better! If you're a girl, you can do a full on beauty day! If you're a guy, you can go and hang with the guys and learn new skate board tricks, or shoot some hoops!
  4. Feel relaxed. Take a bubble bath and turn on your favorite tunes, go out in the sun and tan, take a nap, peacefully swim in a pool, etc.
  5. Be healthy. Wash your face when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Eat more fruits and veggies! Drink some more water. A healthier you, is a happier you! Don't be a slob and eat junk food and be a couch potato. Be a hyper, fun, person!
  6. Get more friends! Try to start conversation with someone who you feel will be a good friend to you. Try to get GOOD friends though, friends that will have your back! If you have more dependable friends, it can really help you get back on you're feet!
  7. Lastly, don't ever forget the real you! Be yourself, not the person who seems perfect. If you try to be some you're not; you can loose everything you got and when you step back in reality, your self-confidence will be the lowest it has ever been.


  • Outside activities can help! ex: clubs, sports, committees, lessons.
  • For some, seventh grade is truly the worst year of their life. If you feel this way, be comforted by this: it will all be over soon.


  • Don't be selfish.
  • Stay out of trouble.
  • Don't make friends with someone who will bring you down.

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Build Self Confidence in Seventh Grade. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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