Some Tips For Building A Child’s Self Esteem
Parents are very powerful figures in the life of any child. First of all, they are responsible for
conceiving the child and for bringing that child into this world so everything that comes after
there will still be held somewhat responsible. The mother best of all has a special emotional
connection with her children while fathers are mostly the ones who deal with practical things in
raising children.
A perfect relationship between parents and children will be when the parents are role models of
providing love and support within the family while the children are obedient but to a certain
degree also independent in living their lives. In this world however there is no such thing as
perfect but this should not stop us from trying to build an ideal relationship.
Child’s Self Esteem  

Some Tips For Building A Child’s Self Esteem (You have to read great article)


How to Boost Your Self Esteem by Being Honest

We all have been in situations where you want to lie in order to appear better to people and the world. Somehow we like to cope with others' opinions and we are too scared to accept that we differ from others and we don't like same things as others. And what is worse is that by telling lies we damage our self esteem. ...Read more
We all have been in situations where you want to lie in order to appear better to people and the world. Somehow we like to cope with others' opinions and we are too scared to accept that we differ from others and we don't like same things as others. And what is worse is that by telling lies we damage our self esteem. Here are some steps that you need to follow in order to boost your self-esteem and present yourself as who you are.


  1. Accept who you really are - not what others expect from you. Being insecure leads you to say or do what others might expect of you. As a result you directly say no to your needs. You also put yourself in a low position just to have a confirmation from the others. But in that way they accept a fake version, not you. They accept a person who says yes to the others and no to her/his needs.
  2. Don't tell lies to make a better impression, not even white lies. In this world we all are humans but still we are unique in our own way. So whatever you say or do it doesn't have to match with others' expectations. Every time you say yes to a lie you say no to your true persona, and as a result that can damage your self-esteem.
  3. Stand up for yourself - did you know in high school that you deserved more than a C but you didn't do anything just to be like the others? This is exactly what you shouldn't do. Treat yourself with respect, and when someone accuses you don't just nod and smile but stand up for yourself. There is no better feeling when you realize that you actually did something to protect yourself, and of course to boost your self-esteem.
  4. Don't hide - explore the inner you - This is the most difficult journey that you can do, but once that you find the road to explore yourself, it is easier to go deeper into your inner soul. By knowing yourself your good and bad sides you will be happier and you will know how to deal with problems and people that are trying so hard to put you down.
  5. Accept the fact that you are not perfect - no one is. And the more you try to hide your flaws the more people will try to mention and try to hurt you. So instead just laugh and say that you are not good at making cookies, but then mention something that you are good at it. Remember honesty is the best policy when it comes to your self-esteem.


  • Don't worry what other people might say about you, worry about how to do something that you really like and if you can afford it.
  • Do something that will make you feel better.Listen to music,exercise, etc.
  • Relax. That is the most important thing in order to feel comfortable in your own skin.
  • During the day no matter how busy you are, try to spend time with yourself to find out more about you. Take a paper and pencil if needed and see what your insecurities are and what you can do to overcome those.


  • By being honest doesn't mean that you have to share all your secrets and things that you hate. Remember there are immature people who will take advantage of that honesty.
  • The only way to feel better about yourself is to avoid people that are trying to put you down. Sometimes it is better to have less friends than plenty of toxic people who drain your energy. Read related articles on how to avoid people that you don't like.
  • By being honest doesn't mean to treat others with disrespect. Treat others as you would want them to treat you, but still tell them that they can't hurt you.

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